Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Chines New Year (新年快乐)

祝你在新的一年里:事业正当午,身体壮如虎,金钱不胜数,干活不辛苦,悠闲像老鼠,浪漫似乐谱,快乐莫你属! 我最亲爱的朋友:在这新年里祝愿上帝保佑您!观音菩萨护住您!财神抱住您!!爱神射住您!食神吻住您!痛苦最好是别人的,快乐才是自己的;麻烦将是暂时的,朋友总是永恒的;爱情是用心经营的,世界上没有什么大不了的。新年快乐! 金钱是一种有用的东西,但是只有在你觉得知足的时候,它才会带给你快乐 心到,想到,看到,闻到,听到,人到,手到,脚到,说到,做到,得到,时间到,你的礼物没到,只有我的祝福传到。 新年恭喜你:一帆风顺、二龙腾飞、三羊开泰、四季平安、五福临门、六六大顺、七星高照、八方来财、九九同心、十全十美、百事亨通、千事吉祥、万事如意!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Just A liitle trip to haytai 17-1-2014 to 19-1-2014

Little trip to haytai on last week ,is was fun and enjoy on it.going to Hat Yai Floating Market,Santisuk Market, Kim Yong Market and many more. i was stay at THE REGENCY HOTEL IT WAS easy for shopping. http://www.theregencyhatyai.com/ and using the tour name jiangfengtour. My small trip to haytai on last week. Is was really wonderful but i was sick so i can 't really enjoy it. I hope my next trip will be more fun.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


做事先做人,做人先立信 俗话说:“对人以诚,人不欺我;对事以诚信,事无不成。”信用即是无形的力量,也是无形的财富。一个人要想成功,离不开别人的帮助和支持。而这一切需要你有信誉,让大家信得过你。只有大家都信得过你,你才可能人财两旺。 不知道你有没有发现,大凡成功者,与人谈成功时,很少谈如何做事,而是谈如何做人。“未学经商,先学做人”是李嘉诚经常说的一句话。做人是做事的前提。 可以说,一个人不管有多聪明,多能干,背景条件有多好,如果不懂得如何去做人,那么他最终的结局难免会失败。因为,会做人,能左右逢源,不会做人,四处受限;会做人,做事有人帮;不会做人,处处碰壁;会做人,办事有捷径,不会做人,命运多舛。 一个会做人的人,一定会“先立信”!年轻、财富、学识、友谊毫无疑问是人生的资本,但这些都不是人生最重要的。人生最重要的资本是信用。信用是彼此之间的约定,尽管它无体无形,却比任何法律条文更具震撼力和约束力。一个没有信用的人,要想跻身成功者的行列,几乎是不可能的。因为没有人会愿意和一个没有信用的人打交道。而那些叱咤风云的成功人士,都将“信用”看得无比重要。如果你是个没信用的人做什么也不会成功的

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Happy Taiwan Trip

Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step. Life is short and we have never too much time for gladdening the hearts of those who are travelling the dark journey with us. Oh be swift to love, make haste to be kind. Small little trip to Taiwan make me feel happy. Hope my next trip will be more fun and fun. Taiwan was a beautiful place. Love it very much..food was cheap people was nice..of coz all the price was cheap…good for travel and shopping. But make sure bring more money to Taiwan if you are crazy shopping girl. Love Taiwan. Will start my next trip on DEC….